Welcome to Clean Beauty! I challenged myself to do a little more when it comes to my business and growing up I always dreamed about having a blog so here it is! This is the Self-Love Blog. Learning how to love yourself endlessly. Let's be clear there's no clear rules to loving yourself so it really is a journey. I am just sharing mine with you.
Growing up, I had a plan to start a blog and I had the name and everything. But I found a reason to not do it. It's been on the back of my mind for a while and I always like reading blogs that I find on Pinterest. So it came to me today that I could add a blog to my website to make my brand a little more personal. I have a YouTube channel but I'm still working on my fears with video... being transparent. But I want to challenge myself to do a little bit more so here is the start of the Clean Beauty Blog.
My blog is an extension of me and my life so anything I write is authentically me. I feel like I haven't passed the phase of being real comfortable talking in front of a camera which is why I'm hesistant to post on my channel. But I actually like writing better because I can type how I feel.
Currently, I am in school and changing my major to Marketing. I keep getting questions regarding my major and it was Biology. Biology was hard... and it was even harder because I wasn't passionate about it. To be honest, I didn't know what I wanted to do going into college. I really loved my natural hair and that was really it. My life was simple, I went to school, went to work, spent time with friends, go home, and do my hair. But going into college, I'm like what is this?? My life being in college has been different than what I'm used to but only because I am trying to find myself in the midst of it. Who could've imagine that the time I'm enrolled into college we would be going through a whole global pandemic. Never would've imagined it. And to be honest, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. There's no certainty about anything and it's frightening. Biology made me feel the same way. I felt like I was just going with the flow and taking whatever was coming my way. I tried to study when I could and still managed to fail. Saying all that to say, Biology wasn't for me.
This year alone I've been figuring out who I am. Trying to come to terms with the good and bad and just learning to heal from everything. I've been stuck in this weird space for a good minute so I'm writing this in a space to change the narrative. Wanting something better for myself. Accepting that I want to express myself freely and be who I am. I've been hiding myself for so long and I don't know why. That changes in 2022.
2022 is the year of freedom. at least for me. Freedom to be my true authentic self and just be. Letting the universe do its' own thing and follow my divine path. This is where Clean Beauty comes in. Clean Beauty to me means your self-love journey. Clean Beauty is what keeps me going. It has always been apart of me. I remember doing my friends nails in elementary school and trying out acrylic briefly in high school. It was just something I knew was interesting and fun to me but I got trapped into limiting beliefs. Limiting me from being who I authentically wanted to be. I feel like I finally can do what I envisioned.
So here's to 2022! new year, new vibe. I'm excited to be choosing life and following my passion. Welcome to my self-love journey 💗 The year where I allow myself to open up to a space where I can express myself freely and open to others to express themselves too.
I offer hair and nail services and have an online store to shop for self-care essentials. Full Sets are currently $35 in the month of January and bookings for Jan 1st-5th are open now!
let's enjoy 2022 ✨
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