Happy Tuesday ❤️
I'm writing this blog post as a declaration and reclamation of my power. The power that I've been trying to find within myself. I told one of my friends, God hands us hard lessons to prepare us for the bigger picture. Of course we don't know what the bigger picture is but keeping our faith during the hard lesson is super important.
Making decisions is hard thing to do especially when you're indecisive like me. But I understand who I am and how my heart and brain works together. I know my triggers, I know what causes me to stress, and I also know what helps me relax. Now, it's up to me to find balance between chaos and tranquil.
I have goals that I want to obtain and in my heart, I know I can do it. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO. The way to get there? Listen to yourself and figure out what you need in each moment.
Ima be real. I was stressing about school before it even started. I was stressed that my course load was going to be too much. So I dropped those classes and found another course load that fit better with my schedule. At the end of the day, I still have a business to run and classes to take so I had to find balance. I think that's what life is about- finding balance. I also have to find a balance for my mental health. These last couple of months, my mental health has been very unstable (truthfully speaking) and I have to be extra careful about the decisions I make in order to keep my mental health in a steady space. I have to provide my own emotional security. For years, I was looking for others to provide emotional security and that wasn't the way to go. It just left me disappointed and sad majority of the time. I don't want to go through that any longer.
I deserve to be happy on my own and content. Yes, you can be content and still want more for your life. Find a balance. Place boundaries. Do what you have to do.
From this day on out, I will not cause myself unnecessary stress. I will allow myself to flow into the woman I am becoming. I will listen to her, I will talk to her, and I will let her guide me. I will not sacrifice my boundaries for others. I will continue to let my personality flow out of me with no hesitation. I will allow myself to be myself in all spaces. I will simply be me apologetically.
I am finding balance through my chaos. Thanking God every step of the way.
Have an amazing Tuesday🤍
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