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7/28/22💕 new blog site

Good morning babes! Welcome to the new blog <3

If you've been following me for a while, you would know that I had another site where I uploaded my blog posts but since I moved back to Shopify, I haven't kept it up. So, I finally sat down and transferred it over so everything is in one space.

A little life update ❤️ I'm enrolled back in school. This time for something I am passionate about... Psychology 💗

I am a Psychology and Sociology double major with a minor in Journalism on my path to get my Ph.D. I also hope to take a gap year to pursue cosmetology school since I am in loveeee with everything beauty as you know, if you can't tell.

In the meantime, I have been doing hair, nails, and would like to get into lashes soon. I also have been working on the online products as well as digital products.

Being entrepreneur is so fulfilling. It allows me to be creative and express myself freely. I can't wait to see what these next six months have in store for me.

I recently deleted my personal Instagram account in order to really focus on my dreams and aspirations. The decision came about after feeling stagnant with myself for a while and wanting to really tap in to myself. I didn't want to fully isolate since I am still running a business but I wanted to really focus on me while continuing Clean Beauty. I think it was the best decision to make to start this focus stage in my entrepreneurial journey. So from now on, I will be posting on my Clean Beauty account and taking you all along with me everywhere ❤️

I hope to build a genuine connection with following and get closer to my followers and customers. I also hope to really share my healing journey with you all. I know I will include my day to days but also working out, my meals, journaling, meditation. I want my Instagram to be inspiring and motivational for not only me but for you too. I also want my site to be a resource and a guide for those who are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur.

I believe there is a golden rule for entrepreneurship. There are no limits on what you can do. Do not let anyone put you in a box and stop you from being a creative. Entrepreneurship gives you the freedom to have fun, be creative, enjoy life. Take the opportunity and do anything your heart desires. That's what I am doing.

You will see me on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Youtube, and on here working or being creative in some way and also enjoying my life because at one point, I wasn't enjoying it and it was because I put myself in a box. Don't do that.

Enjoy your life! You're only this age once. I will only be 21 once. I might as well enjoy it.

Here are my socials if you would like to keep up with me 💗

Instagram | @cleanbeautyclt
Twitter | @cleanbeautyclt
Pinterest | @kaylanidenise
YouTube | @Kaylani Wilson
website |

Thank you for reading. ❤️ Enjoy 15% your next order "welcometocb"

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