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By the time I post this story, it will be the new year so HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Usually I spend New Years Eve with my family watching the ball drop but this year I wanted to change it up. I wanted to go into the New Year by myself. I did spend the day with my family, my little brother turned 7 yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY ❤️


So, I'm at home in bed writing this because why not. If you haven't seen, I cut my hair... again. I big chopped in 2019 and I decided today that I would big chop again so I did. My hair is now a TWA. This time was different because I wasn't as nervous as I was the first time. I remember getting out of the chair and just being scared because my hair was so short. I was a huge adjustment. This time, I cut it, ate some food, went to my moms, and then did my hair 😂 It's in a protective style for the time being so I could have some time before I have to go buy hair products.


I'm probably going to use the same hair products that I used the last time I big chopped and continue with the same routine that I followed too. I would get my hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks and then wear my hair curly for 2 weeks and then protective style for 4-6 weeks. I think the routine and the products I was using was a huge factor on how fast my hair was growing. I cut my hair in October of 2019 and I was able to wear my hair in a puff by the next October. I also wore my hair wet majority of the time except when it started to get too long. Probably around June/July/August.


Now... I give my friends and family permission to get on me if you see me pick up a flat iron. Because I don't plan on big chopping a third time. My goal is to grow my hair out to waist-length!! This has been my goal since I transitioned in high school. I big chopped on Dec 31 for this very reason!! It's a new year so new hair goals. I recorded my big chop this time so I'll be posting it on my Youtube this upcoming week!



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